National Safety Council ︎
While everyone in the US had heard that there was an Opioid Crisis, hardly anyone believed they were personally at risk. The pervasive notion that addicts were fringe of society herion users, kept people from actively protecting themselves against the real threat of addiction. Data showed that 30% of people taking opioid painkillers didn’t even know that their prescription was an opioid.
While everyone in the US had heard that there was an Opioid Crisis, hardly anyone believed they were personally at risk. The pervasive notion that addicts were fringe of society herion users, kept people from actively protecting themselves against the real threat of addiction. Data showed that 30% of people taking opioid painkillers didn’t even know that their prescription was an opioid.
Bring people face to face with the 22,000 people who died the previous year from the Opioid epidemic. By carving the faces of real victims into pills and displaying them in a moving memorial, people came to see that an addict could be their mother, their neighbor, their child’s teacher or even themselves. Then we gave them a way to protect themselves, a simple sticker for their insurance card that let their medical providers know that they wanted to be aware of what they were being prescribed and what alternatives they could consider.
Over 11 million video views
2,017% increase in shared Facebook impressions period/period
404,4000+ earned impressions in the first 24 hours
1,008,415,240 earned impressions
1.5M+ Warn Me Labels distributed
1 private audience with the President of the United States for the 22,000 victims.
Huffington Post – Coming Face to Face with the Opioid Epidemic
Creativity – The Tiny Faces on This Massive Wall of Pills Pay Tribute to Those Lost
Adweek – 22,000 Faces Are Carved Into Pills on This Opioid Overdose Memorial
Shots – Fallen Opioid Takers are Remembered in Unique Memorial
Wired Magazine – Facing up to the Opioid Crisis
FWA of the Day
FWA of the Month
HEALTH AND WELLNESS: 1 Gold Lion, 4 Shortlists
GOLD: Non-profit / Foundation-led Education & Awareness- Creative Data: Enhancement
Non-profit / Foundation-led Education & Awareness- Creative Data: Visualization
Non-profit / Foundation-led Education & Awareness- Branded Content & Entertainment: Live Experience
Non-profit / Foundation-led Education & Awareness- PR
Fundraising & Advocacy- PR
2 Gold, 2 Shortlists
Outdoor: Displays & Special Build
Live Advertising and Events
Ambient Outdoor
1 Sliver 1 Shortlist: Creative Data
2 Bronze PR: public affairs & lobbying and use of Events & Stunts
1 Shortlist Direct: Marketing Effectiveness
1 Silver Effectiveness
AICP Next Experiential - NSC “Prescribed to death”
ACIP Next Cause Marketing - NSC “Prescribed to death”
Gold: Cross-Platform | B02: Installations
Gold: Responsive Environments | N08: Dynamic Data Visualization
Silver: Health, Wellness & Pharma | X21: Public Relations
Silver: Health, Wellness & Pharma | X02: Experiential / Immersive / Events
Bronze: Public Relations | L02: Events & Experiential
Bronze: Print & Outdoor | K14: Experiential & Installations
Merit: Direct Marketing | D06: Experiential & Installations
Merit: Direct Marketing | D07: Live Events
Merit: Health, Wellness & Pharma | X19: Outdoor / Ambient - Single
Best in Discipline: Prescribed to Death, Design for Good
Gold: Prescribed to Death, Advertising Campaign
Silver: Prescribed to Death, Experience Design - Single
Silver: Prescribed to Death, Integrated Campaign
Silver: Prescribed to Death, Exhibition Design
Silver: Prescribed to Death, Installations - Single
Silver: Prescribed to Death, Use of Technology - Single
Bronze: Prescribed to Death, Responsive Environments
D&AD Graphite Pencil 2018, Installation Design — NSC Prescribed to Death
D&AD Graphite Pencil 2018, Public Environments — NSC Prescribed to Death
D&AD Wood Pencil 2018, Use of Events — NSC Prescribed to Death
D&AD Wood Pencil 2018, Public Affairs Campaign — NSC Prescribed to Death
GOLD: PSAs: Activation & Engagement: Civic & Social Education
SILVER: Activation & Engagement: Use of Activation & Engagement
SILVER: Outdoor/OOH Marketing: Ambient – Healthcare Products & Services
BRONZE: Best Use of Media: Outdoor – Installations
BRONZE: Best Use of Media: Public Service – Digital: Websites/Microsites
BRONZE: Integrated/Mixed Media: Healthcare Products & Services
BRONZE: PSAs: Collateral & Direct: Civic & Social Education
BRONZE: Public & Media Relations Campaign: Best Use of Medium – Live Events
Golden Montreux
Gold Medal: Creative Use Of Media | Best Use Of Ambient Media
Gold Medal: Spatial Communication Temporary Thematic Exhibition
Finalist: Digital / Interactive Non Profit / Public Interest
2nd most effective campaign 2019