PROBLEM  With only a few regular season games to go, Ziploc faced slowing sales on the NFL licensed Ziploc Brand bags and containers. The majority of sales for these products would need to come from which is especially challenging considering the vanity bags are considered an impulse-buy. 
We tapped into the reality of rivalry to spark and emotional need to buy our bags before the season was out.

82% of online shoppers consult the reviews before making a purchase. So, we had the idea to take the reviews to the consumers. We found real life Amazon Vine Reviewer “Brockheim” who had already reviewed one of the NFL licensed Green Bay Packers Ziploc Brand Bags. His review was pure magic. He, as a dyed in the wool Chicago Bears fan, had some really imaginative ways to utilize the competitions bags.  So we comissioned him to write some more reviews, one for each team that faced the Bears for the remainder of the season. Then, partnering with Bleacher Report, we filmed “Brockheim” delivering these reviews from his mother’s basement in his Bear Cave. We posted them across all of Bleacher Reports channels, releasing one per week until the regular season came to an end. 

And then the legal department from the Chicago Bears called and asked that we either give them some* money or stop making these. Thing is, we’d already made some quickies for the post-season, which you can now enjoy.

Immediate +264% sales growth per day on Amazon.
VCR of 80% (against Bleacher Reports benchmark of 60%)
24.5% completion rate on social (12x’s higher than any other SCJ portfolio long form)
Proved you can go from concept to live execution in under 6 weeks.

*a lot of money